
Professor CHEN Zhi 陳致

Chair Professor,
Acting Dean of Faculty of Arts, Director of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University


Academic Interests:

Classical studies, early Chinese culture and history, historical writings, traditional Chinese poetry, excavated documents and paleography (bronze inscriptions and Bamboo and Silk writings), intellectual history of the Ming and Qing

Contact Detail: chenzhi@hkbu.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://chi.hkbu.edu.hk/Eng/teachers/chen.html

Professor FAN Ruiping 范瑞平

Chair Professor,
Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong



Academic Interests:

Bioethics and health care policy, Confucian ethics and politics, comparative philosophy

Contact Detail: safan@cityu.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/pol/faculty_academic_teaching_detail.asp?id=14

Professor CHAN Wing-Hoi Charles 陳榮開

Associate Professor,
Adjunct Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University


Academic Interests:

Classical Confucianism, Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism, Tokugawa Japanese Confucianism, comparative Chinese and Japanese thought and culture.

Contact Detail: hmyming@ust.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://www.huma.ust.hk/cgi-bin/people/people_index.php?action=view&type=F&profile_id=110

Doctor TANG Siufu 鄧小虎

Associate Professor,
School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong



Academic Interests:

Early Confucianism (particularly the thought of Xunzi), ethics, political philosophy, comparative philosophy, and issues of modernity and Chinese thought

Contact Detail: tangsf@hku.hk

Profile Page: http://www.chinese.hku.hk/main/dr-tang-siu-fu/

Doctor CHIU Wai-Wai 趙偉偉

Associate Professor,
Philosophy Department, Lingnan University, Hong Kong



Academic Interests:

Chinese philosophy, specialized in pre-Qin Daoism and Mohism, pre-qin and Wei-Jin Chinese philosophy, normative ethics

Contact Detail: weiweichiu@ln.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://www.ln.edu.hk/philoso/?page_id=1385

Doctor ZHANG Ellen Ying 張穎

Associate Professor,
Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)                                            Research Fellow, Centre for Applied Ethics, HKBU


Academic Interests:

Buddhism, human rights and freedom in bioethics, compassion and ethics in Buddhism

Contact Detail: zyehang@hkbu.edu.hk

Profile Page:  http://rel.hkbu.edu.hk/info_zhang.html

Professor Eirik Lang HARRIS

Assistant Professor of philosophy,
Department of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong

Academic Interests:

Political philosophy, ethics, and philosophy of law, with a focus on the early Chinese tradition (Confucian and Legalist views on the relationship between morality and politics)

Brief bio: http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~elharris/bio.html

Academic Profile: http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~elharris/cv.html

Personal Blog: http://www.eirikharris.net

Contact: elharris@cityu.edu.hk

Professor FUNG Yiu Ming 馮耀明

Professor Emeritus,
Division of Humanities, School of Humanities and Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Academic Interests:

Confucianism, Buddhist philosophy, logic and philosophy of language in Ancient China, and comparative philosophy

Contact Detail: hmymfung@ust.hk

Profile Page: http://www.huma.ust.hk/cgi-bin/people/people_index.php?action=view&type=F&profile_id=21

Professor Wim DE REU 魏家豪

Assistant Professor,
Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University



Academic Interests:

Daoist philosophy, Pre-Qin linguistic thought, Chinese philosophy from Pre-Qin period to Western Han Dynasty

Contact Detail: wdereu@ntu.edu.tw

Profile Page: http://www.philo.ntu.edu.tw/faculty/detail.php?no=17

Professor Hans-Rudolf KANTOR 康特

Chair Professor,
Graduate Institute of Asian Humanities (東方人文思想研究所), Huafan University

Academic Interests:

Chinese Mahayana Buddhology, Tiantai School of Buddhism, Huayan School of Buddhism, East Asian Madhyamaka School of Buddhism, religious philosophy, and inter-cultural philosophy

Contact Detail: kantorsan@hotmail.com

Profile Page: http://oh.hfu.edu.tw/people/bio.php?PID=6

Professor WEN Haiming 溫海明

School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China


Academic Interests:

Chinese and comparative philosophy, Confucianism, Daoism, American pragmatism, and metaphysics

Contact Detail: wenhaiming@ruc.edu.cn

Profile Page: http://phi.ruc.edu.cn/index.php?s=/Index/teacher_list/uid/59.html

Professor LO Ping-Cheung 羅秉祥

Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, HKBU. Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts,HKBU. Director, Centre of Applied Ethics, HKBU


Academic Interests: 

Applied ethics and religious ethics

Contact Datail: pclo@hkbu.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://arts.hkbu.edu.hk/~pclo/

Professor YU Kam-Por 余錦波

General Education Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Academic Interests:

Ethical theory and applied ethics (especially Confucian ethics and bioethics)

Contact Detail: geyko@polyu.edu.hk

Profile Page: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/~gec/staff/geykp/index.php

Professor NG Kai Chiu 吳啓超

Professor, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Academic Interests:

History of Chinese Philosophy, Confucianism, and Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism (especially Zhu Xi).

Contact Detail: kcng@cuhk.edu.hk

Profile Page: http://www.phil.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/web/academic/ng-kai-chiu/

 Professor FUNG Shu Fun 馮樹勳

Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong.



Academic Interests:

Classical Chinese thought, Chinese intellectual history, moral education, and linguistic and cognitive research on literacy

Contact Detail: sffung@eduhk.hk

Profile Page: http://www.eduhk.hk/cird/hkied/profile2006/Interest/FLAS/CHI.htm

Professor XU Jie 徐杰

Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macao


Academic Interests:

Grammatical theory, Chinese linguistics, language acquisition and language education

Contact detail: jiexu@umac.mo

Profile page: https://fah.umac.mo/staff/staff-chinese/xu-jie/

Professor CHONG Kim-Chong 莊錦章

Professor Emeritus, Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Academic Interests:

Ethics, comparative philosophy, early Confucianism, Zhuangzi

Contact detail: hmckc@ust.hk

Profile page: http://www.huma.ust.hk/cgi-bin/people/people_index.php?action=view&type=F&profile_id=155

Professor Richard Ho 何文匯

Honorary Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Professor SHAN Chun 單純

Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Law, The China University of Political Science and Law

Professor KU Cheng-mei 古正美

Research Fellow, Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor FANG Xudong 方旭東

Associate Professor, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong