Taiwan and Macau: Ritual Practices and Study Visits
Buddhism and Daoism will be introduced in Taiwan, where many authentic traditional customs, believes, and institutions have been preserved.

Both Buddhist and Daoist philosophies were introduced to participants in Taiwan.

Visits to Buddhist and Daoist temple in Taipei.
Participants will be introduced to meditation and training methodologies of the Buddhist and Daoist discipline, to experience and practice in their respective sites.

Practices of Sitting and Walking Meditation introduced in a retreat center for a Daoist religion, Unified God (天帝教).

More meditation, but in Buddhist customs, in practice.
Meanwhile, Macau is also an important part of Greater China, and its significance will be introduced.
One of the highlights in our Macau session lies on the visit to University of Macau, the only public comprehensive university leading the academia of Macau.
Since its establishment in 1981, University of Macau has been devoting full effort to its prime missions, “advancement of scholarship” and “education in the realms of humanities, social sciences, business, law, natural sciences, engineering, health sciences, education, and other areas.
Today, University of Macau is home to more than 10,000 current students, 32,000 graduates, and nearly 600 academic staff members from all over the world.
According to Times Higher Education’s World University Ranking (2016-2017), University of Macau ranked the third runner-up in terms of international outlook in Times’ list.